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Wehrli Custom Fabrication Wehrli Custom License Plate Frame - WCF100039

Availability: In Stock. Ships in 3-5 business days.
Shipping: Ships USPS when ordered by itself or with like items.
Pricing: $9.95


Our license plate features a molded WCFab logo for 3D look and so that everyone knows what you've got under the hood. Fits over North American plates. Durable ABS Plastic Construction. Ships USPS Mail when ordered with no other product.

5% of sales will be donated towards the Wehrli Custom Fabrication Scholarship Fund benefitting high school seniors pursuing an education in trade-related fields.



Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W12.0000” x H12.0000” x L3.0000”
  • Ships USPS when ordered by itself or with like items.

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